Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter

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Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.

Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.
Railway Construction Int.
Office Reading

Holybrook House, 63 Castle Street
RG1 7SN Reading
United Kingdom

Tel: 0044 118 9503380
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Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.
Swietelsky-Babcock Rail

Swietelsky-Babcock Rail
Railway Construction Int.
Depot 1

Guide Bridge - OTM Depot, Guide Lane
M34 5HF Audenshaw
United Kingdom

Tel: 044 161 6944240
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Swietelsky-Babcock Rail
Swietelsky-Babcock Rail

Swietelsky-Babcock Rail
Railway Construction Int.
Depot 2

Rutherglan Plan Depot, 215 Cambuslang Road
G73 1AP Glasgow
United Kingdom

Tel: 0044 141 212 5648
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Swietelsky-Babcock Rail
Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.

Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.
Railway Construction Int.
Office Glasgow

Suite 1, Sycamore House, 290 Bath Street
G2 4JR Glasgow
United Kingdom

Tel: 0044 141 2125630
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Swietelsky Construction Company Ltd.
Swietelsky AG

Swietelsky AG
Bahnbau Österreich
ZNL Fischamend

Klein-Neusiedlerstraße 27
2401 Fischamend

Tel: 0043 2230 80270-0
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Swietelsky AG
Swietelsky AG

Swietelsky AG
Bahnbau Österreich
ZNL Linz

Am Winterhafen 13
4020 Linz

Tel: 0043 732 602300-0
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Swietelsky AG
Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.

Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.

Alíz utca 3. IV. ép. 7. em.
1117 Budapest

Tel: +36 95 777 100
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Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.
Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.

Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.

Nagy Sándor tér 14.
9500 Celldömölk

Tel: +36 95 777 100
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Swietelsky Vasúttechnika Kft.
Vasútgép Kft.

Vasútgép Kft.

Nagy Sándor tér 14.
9500 Celldömölk

Tel: +36 95 777 100
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Vasútgép Kft.



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