Swietelsky AG #buildingeverbetter #buildingeverbetter

Sustainability Report

In this Group-wide sustainability report, Swietelsky AG is going beyond its statutory reporting obligations by publishing information on the company's activities and services with regard to sustainable management. We are doing this in order to fulfil our duty of accountability towards our stakeholders, including with regard to non-financial information.

/ Foreword by the board of directors

Gesamtvorstand SWIETELSKY1

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

The issue of sustainability in the construction industry is more urgent today than ever before. A prosperous society that is constantly evolving inevitably implements construction measures, rehabilitation or infrastructure projects that are future-oriented. The construction industry is therefore not only an important driver for economic growth but must also live up to its responsibility towards the next generation.

We are aware that our industry is a part of the existing challenges, but we are firm believers that with mindfulness and ingenuity we can also be a central part of the solution. SWIETELSKY strives to direct all the Group activities in such a way that we are seen as a solution-orientated enabler on the path to climate change and that we continue to develop as an important player in a climate-neutral construction industry. This sustainability report is therefore more than just a collection of facts and figures. It is the expression of our commitment to a sustainable future, both for the company and our employees and for society as a whole.

We have achieved many things that we are proud of, but there is still an important road ahead. We have therefore decided to bundle our sustainability efforts and to anchor them in a group-wide, holistic strategy which includes a first package of measures on the path to our long-term goal of climate neutrality. We are firmly committed to contributing to the fight against climate change and to drastically minimise our ecological footprint. These ambitious goals are reflected in our efforts to incorporate environmental responsibility into all our business areas and along the entire value chain within our sphere of influence and to make a positive contribution to the environment as well as to the long-term sustainability in the construction industry.

An important step towards this is the gradual conversion to a circular economy. We focus intensively on resource efficiency to minimise waste and to reuse materials. For us, the concept of a circular economy is not just a buzzword but a guideline which influences our daily work and which we drive forward together with our stakeholders.

In this report we want to give you insight into our efforts and progress and, more specifically, provide you with information on our CO2-equivalent emissions (CO2-e). In contrast to CO2 emissions, the CO2-equivalent measurement unit enables one to compare and render visible the impact of different greenhouse gases on the climate. We do not only measure our performance to demonstrate how far we have come but also to improve on an ongoing basis. We are aware that the road to climate neutrality requires a mutual effort. This is why we work closely with our partners, clients, and employees to develop innovative solutions and to drive sustainability in our industry forward.

Swietelsky AG and its subsidiaries are determined to shape the future in harmony with the goals of climate change mitigation and sustainability. We are convinced that together we will achieve this goal.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Dipl.-Ing. Karl Weidlinger, who was responsible for the company’s agenda during the reporting period. It is thanks to his commitment that we are where we are today.

in December 2023