Sustainability Report
In this Group-wide sustainability report, Swietelsky AG is going beyond its statutory reporting obligations by publishing information on the company's activities and services with regard to sustainable management. We are doing this in order to fulfil our duty of accountability towards our stakeholders, including with regard to non-financial information.
Download Sustainability Report
- Sustainability Report 2023_24 (ENG) pdf 5.73 mb Download
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023_24 (GER) pdf 9.54 mb Download
- Sustainability Report 2022_23 (ENG) pdf 10.29 mb Download
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2022_23 (GER) pdf 10.38 mb Download
- Sustainability Report 2020_21 (ENG) pdf 8.61 mb Download
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2020_21 (GER) pdf 8.63 mb Download
- Sustainability Report 2018_19 (ENG) pdf 8.41 mb Download
- Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2018_19 (GER) pdf 7.49 mb Download
/ Foreword by the board of directors

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The construction industry is not only a significant pillar of the European economy but also plays a crucial role in reaching global climate targets. As the third largest construction company in Austria, we, as Swietelsky AG, are aware of our responsibility. We understand the urgency with which measures must be taken to stem climate change and to create a sustainable future for all. We see it as our responsibility to make a real contribution to sustainable development and to reduce our CO₂-footprint in a future-oriented manner. The aim is to grow a little more every day, learn, and get better and better in the process. This also includes dealing with topics such as research, digitalisation, and IT systems because it is only through innovative developments that our sustainability goals can be achieved. In all this, however, we do not lose sight of the people who jointly make SWIETELSKY as well as those people who are affected by our business activities. Social responsibility and fairness are not only catchphrases but are an important part of the SWIETELSKY DNA. In this sustainability report, you will find detailed insights into our initiatives and progress in the areas of the environment, social issues, and company management. For this purpose, we disclose our sustainability performance of the past financial year voluntarily and beyond what is legally required of us. In addition, we are already taking the first step towards the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). To this end, a double materiality analysis in accordance with the CSRD was carried out in the 2023/24 financial year in which our stakeholders were actively involved in this process. We aimed to determine which sustainability topics were most central for our stakeholders. These findings are crucial to enable us to identify the relevant aspects of our responsibility and to prioritise them accordingly. The results of this survey were actively integrated into the development of our sustainability strategy. Our sustainability strategy will form the basis of our sustainability activities from the current financial year onwards. Our strategy aims to reduce energy consumption and environmentally harmful emissions, to dive forward mobility transformation, to improve resource efficiency, to advance the circular economy, and to increase social competence and fairness. Our long-term targets and our vision are contained in the sustainability strategy. We derive clear guidelines for action for all areas of business from it. Energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy, the circular economy, thermal-energetic rehabilitation, expansion of infrastructure, and the most resource-efficient construction possible are only a few key areas on which we concentrate to contribute to the energy transition and climate change. In doing this, our focus is always on the inclusion, support, and development of our staff members in the countries in which we do business and on active participation in research and development in the construction industry. We are aware that sustainability is an ongoing process that requires a permanent effort. We will, therefore, not wane in our commitment to improve continuously and to find new ways daily to reduce our ecological footprint further.
The Executive Board
In November 2024